Wednesday 9 December 2015

Math Games and Blogging


This morning we reviewed the concepts of capacity, mass and temperature. We did some work on the white boards, reviewed questions from our activity sheets and played some games to test our skills.

Tonight, the students are encouraged to review and edit their responses for these activity sheets and to practice their skills by playing the games on the links below (use of an English accent is optional).

Temperature Game

Capacity Game

Mass Game

I will be evaluating the students' understanding of the unit on Monday, so we will be reviewing various measurement tasks from the unit over the next few days.

In Language, it is now official, we are all bloggers! The students were very excited to use Kidblog today and make their first posts. The expectation is that each student will make one post (acts of kindness or persuasive paragraph about getting to school) and one comment. If this was not completed in class, it is to be completed for homework. I will be editing the posts and approving the comments.

In Science, we discussed in groups how forces are either a push or a pull, and then we listed some forces that we use in our daily lives in school. In the gym, we used many forces while playing an exciting game of bucket ball (It's a fun game involving a rubber chicken. I encourage you to ask your child how it is played)!

Have a great night.

Mr. Skinner