Thursday 3 December 2015

Great Discussions


At long last, we had our final Science structure centre visits and discussions. The students were very engaged and asked some great questions. We had an informative discussion as a class afterwards that took most of the morning. To end our morning, we had a quick practice of "Can't Stop These Shoes." I was impressed to see that some of the students already had the words memorized.

In Math, we finished our work on perimeter and explored the relationships between units of measurement, when it comes to capacity (ml and L) and weight (g and kg). The students should continue to work on these tasks at home tonight. The perimeter and mass sheets are to be completed for homework.

In Language, the students had an opportunity to work on the tasks due tomorrow (acts of kindness, spelling sentences and overdue reading responses) and ask me for some help and feedback in order to improve their work.

Have a good evening.

Mr. Skinner