This morning we continued to work on representing numbers in expanded form in Math. To start the day, I gave the students several numbers to represent in standard form, expanded form, using Base Ten block and writing the number in words. The students wrote their answers in their Math notebooks, then shared their thinking with the class on the Smartboard and the Whiteboard. Finally, the students worked on the expanded form activity sheet that I gave them on Friday. The first side, p. 40, should be completed for homework tonight.
Next, we did some silent reading during our Language block, followed by a discussion where the students explained how they chose the book they read (title, cover, pictures, level, etc.). Following our discussion, we finished our short answer responses for "The Nest" and we talked about the detail we could add to improve the quality of our work. If these questions were not completed in class, they should be finished for homework.
Then, we started to work on a second recount about our weekend, trying to incorporate the suggestions made last week. We will continue to work on this recount in class on Tuesday.
After lunch, we had
In Science, we completed our structures and shared our work as a group. We discussed what we liked about our structures and what we would like to improve. The students offered suggestions for how we could improve the strength and stability of each structure.
Finally, we talked about a structure, specifically a home, must have a strong foundation, if it is going to be a solid structure that provides shelter for people, or animals.
We are scheduled to participate in the Junglesport activities on Thursday. All students must return the signed permission form if they wish to participate. Please follow the link below to learn more about this exciting program.
Have a great evening.
Mr. Skinner