Thursday, 10 September 2015

Everyone is invited to the picnic!


I continue to get some great feedback about the blog. Thanks so much! I'm glad you're finding it useful.

The blog is my primary method of communication, but I do also have a Twitter account you can follow.


I haven't posted anything on it yet this year, but I will be using it in the near future, if you are interested in another avenue of seeing some of what we are doing in the classroom.

This morning, many excited students were invited to the picnic. Some brought cookies and eggs, while others brought monsters and lava! It would be a pretty interesting picnic and it was wonderful to see how proud they were to crack the code.

The students worked very hard on a math skills assessment today, recalling some of the important skills they learned last year, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and patterning.

I'm going to be taking a look at them tonight and we will discuss any skills we need to review, as a group tomorrow.

Next, we read a text about a student excited to start Grade 3. I asked the students how they preferred to read and as a group they selected to read silently on their own. After reading, they answered multiple choice questions about the text.

Some students also volunteered to share the story of their name. I am still waiting on a couple of those stories. If all of the students can return their completed story Friday, that would be great.

When we finished sharing the name stories, the students continued to work on their self-portraits and their time capsules.

Finally, the students were able to make their first visit to the Learning Commons, meet the new librarian and read some great books.

There is no homework tonight, so it's a great opportunity to do some reading, on your own or with a family member.

Have a great evening!

Mr. Skinner