Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Just Finished Reading About the Children's Names

Hello again,

I just finished reading about how the decisions were made about the children's names and it reminded me of how my wife and I decided upon our daughter's name. Stella Ruby Skinner was named after two of our grandmother's. I enjoyed reading the stories behind your family name decisions too!

It was great to meet several of you before the first day of school, on the yard, and after school, as I was leaving the building. Thanks so much for making me feel so welcome. It was wonderful to get some kind, welcoming notes in the agenda today as well.

I am really enjoying working with the class so far and I hope the kids are enjoying the experience as much as I am.

A final reminder to the students, remember to think of an item you would like to bring to a picnic. I am bringing cupcakes, and my daughter Stella will bring strawberries. (No, you don't have to actually bring it, you just need to try and crack the code!)

Good night.

Mr. Skinner