This post might be a little bit shorter than usual, as we just had our second fire drill of the year, just as I was writing my blog post.
This morning, we did some work on the whiteboards, comparing numbers and using the greater than and less than signs
During the liturgy, the students were well behaved and didn't require many reminders to give their undivided attention to the songs and readings.
For language, we worked on writing a recount together, creating introductions and our first main point. We will continue to work on this task tomorrow.
In Science, we worked on an interactive activity on the Smart Board. The students had to identify different materials that could be used to make structures and the benefits to using each material. They also examined how some structures, such as cars, contain multiple materials, and labelled various materials, such as tires being made of rubber. It was a fun activity and there were many volunteers who wanted to participate on the Smart Board.
A reminder that pizza orders are due tomorrow. Please return your forms and payments if you want your child to get pizza.
Have a good night.
Mr. Skinner