This morning, we started our day with a Math inquiry
problem, involving Base Ten blocks and regrouping. I posted the problem on my Twitter account. The students worked with partners to solve the problem, then we had a group discussion, where we explained our thinking and shared our solutions. Next, the students finished their "Comparing Numbers" activity sheet. If it is not done, it should be completed for homework. Some students also started to work on "Regrouping" activities, they are not for homework, but students are welcome to work ahead.
In Language, we worked together
on the introduction and the first main point for our new recount paragraph. When this paragraph is finished, the students will create a comic to illustrate their written work.
Today, the students created their own avatar on Bitstrips and began to explore the tools they can use to make a comic strip. The students can work on Bitstrips at home, by following the link below.
Finally, in Science, we continued to explore structures, using our interactive program on the Smartboard.
Have a great evening.
Mr. Skinner