Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Regrouping and Adding


This morning, in Math, we continued to work on regrouping numbers, examining the relationship between ones, tens and hundreds, as well as dollars, dimes and pennies (no longer used, but the same relationship as ones, tens and hundreds, so still useful). Then we looked at adding two digit numbers and regrouping. We examined how you can start at the ones or the tens and the different steps needed for each strategy.

+ 18


or 40 + 10 = 50 and 5 + 8 = 13, then 50 + 13 = 63

The students are expected to complete advanced regrouping (p. 58) for homework.

In Language, we continued to work on our recounts, adding our second and third main points and examples to the paragraph. Then we added more frames to our recount comic strips on the bitstrips site.

Next, in Science, we looked at how different shapes can be used to create patterns in construction and looked at the history of the pyramids.

Finally, in the gym we played an exciting game of "Ship Ahoy", a cooperative game which involves listening, running, fitness activities and teamwork skills.

Have a good evening.

Mr. Skinner

Tuesday, 29 September 2015



This morning, we started our day with a Math inquiry problem, involving Base Ten blocks and regrouping. I posted the problem on my Twitter account. The students worked with partners to solve the problem, then we had a group discussion, where we explained our thinking and shared our solutions. Next, the students finished their "Comparing Numbers" activity sheet. If it is not done, it should be completed for homework. Some students also started to work on "Regrouping" activities, they are not for homework, but students are welcome to work ahead.

In Language, we worked together on the introduction and the first main point for our new recount paragraph. When this paragraph is finished, the students will create a  comic to illustrate their written work.

Today, the students created their own avatar on Bitstrips and began to explore the tools they can use to make a comic strip. The students can work on Bitstrips at home, by following the link below.

Finally, in Science, we continued to explore structures, using our interactive program on the Smartboard.

Have a great evening.

Mr. Skinner

Monday, 28 September 2015

Our First Liturgy


This post might be a little bit shorter than usual, as we just had our second fire drill of the year, just as I was writing my blog post.

This morning, we did some work on the whiteboards, comparing numbers and using the greater than and less than signs ( < and >). The students continued to work on comparing numbers and need to finish the activity sheet, dealing with adding and subtracting 10s and 100s, for homework.

During the liturgy, the students were well behaved and didn't require many reminders to give their undivided attention to the songs and readings.

For language, we worked on writing a recount together, creating introductions and our first main point. We will continue to work on this task tomorrow.

In Science, we worked on an interactive activity on the Smart Board. The students had to identify different materials that could be used to make structures and the benefits to using each material. They also examined how some structures, such as cars, contain multiple materials, and labelled various materials, such as tires being made of rubber. It was a fun activity and there were many volunteers who wanted to participate on the Smart Board.

A reminder that pizza orders are due tomorrow. Please return your forms and payments if you want your child to get pizza.

Have a good night.

Mr. Skinner  

Friday, 25 September 2015

Making Connections on Padlet


We had a great morning working on the Chromebooks. The students made connections to "Spaghetti on a Hot Dog Bun, talking about times they had the courage to be themselves and not worry what others thought, and times they helped other people in need.

In groups of three, the students brainstormed ideas on chart paper, then they posted their ideas on the appropriate padlet (listed in the previous post). Finally, we got together on the carpet, discussed the connections we made and gave and received feedback, in order to improve our work in the future.

Next, in Math, we continued to explore differences of 10 and 100 and the comparison and ordering of numbers. We started by answering questions on the whiteboards. The students are really enjoying using this tool and I love it because it gives me instant feedback with regard to their understanding of the concept. They are taking it as a challenge, and are so proud of themselves when they can show me the correct response. Once we finished our warm-up, the students used their knowledge to answer similar questions in their Math workbooks. There were working on a double-sided sheet, but it is not for homework. They can take it home to work on, if they like, but we will continue to work on this task on Monday.

To end the day, we finished our art activity that connected to "Spaghetti on a Hot Dog Bun", we had a discussion about recycling (which products go in which bin) and caring for God's Creation.

Finally, if anyone wants to order pizza, please return your form and cheque as soon as possible. Thanks.

Have a great weekend, maybe I will see some of you at the Carp Fair!

Mr. Skinner  

Our Padlets are live!


I'm sure you're all very busy at work, but just in case you have a minute and want to see how we are using padlet, the students are posting to these walls and making connections, right now!

Feel free to check them out. Have a great day!

Mr. Skinner

Thursday, 24 September 2015



This morning, we started the day with the following problem:

We used addition, subtraction and regrouping of Base 10 blocks to solve the problem.

Next, we used the whiteboards and worked in pairs to solve questions involving counting by 10s and 100s. We used addition and subtraction strategies to solve the problems. 

There is no new homework in Math today. If the students have finished all of the previous activities, they handed in the Math workbooks to me. If any of their work was incomplete, they were asked to bring it home, finish it for homework and hand it into me on Friday.

Next, we revisited "Spaghetti on a Hot Dog Bun." We had a class discussion and the students summarized the key events from the story and shared the important themes and the author's intended message in the story. The students said the book's messages were that it's OK to be different, that we should be brave enough to be ourselves, we should always help others, and that we should treat others how we want to be treated.

Then, in groups of three, we made connections to the story. We talked about times we helped others, or were helped. We also talked about times we were not afraid to be ourselves.

We listed the connections on chart paper and tomorrow we will be posting our thinking on a padlet board for the class to see.

Finally, we went Junglesport. I will post some pictures from the activity on my Twitter account - @MrSkinnerocsb.

Have a great night.

Mr. Skinner


Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Spaghetti in a Hot Dog Bun


This morning, I booked the Chromebooks and everyone was able to log into their Google Drive accounts, so we can now begin to write and make presentations on our Drives.

We were also able to get everyone onto Dreambox and exploring the activities in the program. The students also had time to work on the activity sheet looking at "Comparing Numbers." The students should complete both sides of the sheet for homework. If the students have completed both sides of the sheet, they can continue to explore Dreambox at home (follow the link on my blog. Usernames and passwords are written in the student agendas.)

Here is the information for those looking to access Dreambox on a computer or a tablet.

For Language, we read "Spaghetti in a Hot Dog Bun." It's a wonderful story that talks about having the courage to be who you are. We discussed the story and made personal connections. Then, the students mad drawing that represented what makes them unique and special.

Finally, we continued to discuss the concepts of strength and stability in Science, after taking pictures of our structures. If you want to see what the students have created, I have posted the pictures on my Twitter account.

Have a great night.

Mr. Skinner

Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Time to Explore Dreambox!


This morning, we started the day by solving this problem.

The students shared a variety of strategies, such as regrouping the blocks and adding the totals of each model.

Then, we continued to work on representing numbers in expanded forms and comparing numbers, The second expanded form sheet (p. 41) is to be completed for homework tonight.

In Language, we started to explore the Word Wall words. We discussed when we use words like "because" and "anyone", common spelling errors people make when using these words, and tips for remembering the proper spelling.

Next, we worked on our second recount, writing about our weekends and following the exemplar I created about my weekend. The students came up with some great ideas, now we will be adding some supporting detail. Each recount paragraph should have an introduction, three main points (with one to two examples/details for each main point) and a conclusion. We will continue to work on this recount on Wednesday.

This afternoon, we took out books from the Learning Commons for the first time this year, and had a chance to do some silent reading. 

I also gave the students their accounts and passwords, so they could start to explore the Dreambox program. I invite you to look at the site tonight. User names and passwords are written in the students' agendas.

Just click on "Skinner - 3" then enter the User Name and Password and you can get started!  

Finally, in Science, we discussed some of the different parts that a structure might have, and the steps we could take to strengthen and support these parts of the structure.

I hope you had a chance to check out the Junglesport Website. I know the students are really looking forward to their chance to try it out on Thursday afternoon.

Have a great evening.

Mr. Skinner

Monday, 21 September 2015

Structure Sharing and Discussion


This morning we continued to work on representing numbers in expanded form in Math. To start the day, I gave the students several numbers to represent in standard form, expanded form, using Base Ten block and writing the number in words. The students wrote their answers in their Math notebooks, then shared their thinking with the class on the Smartboard and the Whiteboard. Finally, the students worked on the expanded form activity sheet that I gave them on Friday. The first side, p. 40, should be completed for homework tonight.

Next, we did some silent reading during our Language block, followed by a discussion where the students explained how they chose the book they read (title, cover, pictures, level, etc.). Following our discussion, we finished our short answer responses for "The Nest" and we talked about the detail we could add to improve the quality of our work. If these questions were not completed in class, they should be finished for homework.

Then, we started to work on a second recount about our weekend, trying to incorporate the suggestions made last week. We will continue to work on this recount in class on Tuesday.

After lunch, we had outdoor gym on the play structure, where we focused on developing strength and co-ordination.

In Science, we completed our structures and shared our work as a group. We discussed what we liked about our structures and what we would like to improve. The students offered suggestions for how we could improve the strength and stability of each structure.

Finally, we talked about a structure, specifically a home, must have a strong foundation, if it is going to be a solid structure that provides shelter for people, or animals.

We are scheduled to participate in the Junglesport activities on Thursday. All students must return the signed permission form if they wish to participate. Please follow the link below to learn more about this exciting program.


Have a great evening.

Mr. Skinner

Friday, 18 September 2015

Expanded Form and Multiple Choice Questions


This morning we worked on showing more ways to represent numbers. Today, we focused on expanded form and discussed the relationship with Base 10 blocks and standard form. There is no Math homework this weekend, as I am collecting the workbooks to take another look at the students work.

After Math, we played a version of "Snap, Crackle, Pop" in the gym. The students had to work together to make teams, by lining up by height, and to play the game as well.

In Language, we continued to explore the concept of making connections and we read a story called "The Nest." Today, the students answered multiple choice questions about the text, listed below. We discussed strategies for selecting the correct response.

Next week, we will answer short answer questions about the text and focus on making connections to concepts in the story.

This afternoon, we continued to work on our structures in Science. The work was a little bit messy at times, but the students continued to display strong collaboration and problem solving skills. Finally, we discussed our personal prayer experiences, talking about how and why we pray in Religion.

Have a great weekend.

Mr. Skinner

Thursday, 17 September 2015

An Amazing Math Block!


This morning we had our best block so far this year. The students were working with Base 10 blocks to represent numbers and there was so much enthusiasm and critical thinking. I was so impressed by the many ways the students found to represent the numbers.

I wish I had taken some photos or videos, but I was too involved in the lesson to document it today. Choose any number between 100 and 999 and ask your child to describe or draw three different ways to represent the number using Base 10 blocks. I'm sure they will be up to the challenge.

The key concept we worked on, was showing that 10 ones = 1 ten and 10 tens = 1 hundred. We built with base 10 blocks in several different ways to represent a variety of numbers.

The students need to complete both sides of the Base 10 block activity sheet they received for homework. Many of the students completed this work in class.

In Language, we continued to work on making connections. We read a selection of levelled books, individually, then shared key points about the story and shared some personal connections with the group. We concentrated on making connections to key themes and events in the story, rather than surface level characteristics (talking about feeling nervous like the character and why, rather than connecting to the fact that both the student and the character go to a school.)

We also discussed why books can provide more detail to the reader than movies can provide to the audience. I used an example of going to see the first Harry Potter movie, when I was in university, before reading the book. My girlfriend at the time had read the book and didn't like the movie. She insisted that I read the book that weekend, so I could see how much better the book was than the movie. The students were shocked that I had dated someone else before marrying my wife! So, congratulations to all of you because you found true love with the very first person you ever dated, at least according to your children!

Finally, in Science, we started to work on our group structures. There was some great collaboration and students successfully used problem solving skills when they encountered difficulties. Our goal is to finish the work on our structures tomorrow. The students are welcome to bring in more materials on Friday.

Also, please visit the following link for information on setting up online payments for school fees.

Have a great evening.

Mr. Skinner

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

So Nice to Meet Everyone!


It was great to get the chance to speak with so many parents tonight. I'm so happy that you're as excited about how things are going as I am. Also, don't worry if you were wrong on a few of the quiz questions. There are so many possible answers, it's hard to get them all correct, no matter how well you know your child.

I hope you enjoyed the evening and your child took you on an interesting tour. We are all partners in education, if you ever have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to write a note in your child's agenda.

Before the BBQ, we had a busy day. In Language, we did some silent reading with various levelled texts. We shared some interesting facts we learned, connections we made, and strategies we used to decode difficult words.

We also answered the questions for the quiz that stumped many parents, and continued to work on our personal connections to the story we read yesterday.

In Math, we finished our work on writing numbers. I collected the work at the end of the block and I will be correcting it tonight, to see if there are any concepts we need to review.

In the gym, the students had to work together to tag other students during our games of "Seaweed." The students who were the sharks learned that they would catch the most students if they planned their strategies and worked together. We also discussed our special visitors for next week, Jungle Sport. It is a great program which involves climbing over a series of structures, which will be set up in the gym. The permission forms were sent home today and need to be returned as soon as possible.

Finally, just in case you missed the video tonight, here is the information from the Board about the student portal. In the next few weeks, I will be receiving all the passwords that will allow us to make maximum use of this amazing resource.

Student Portal Video

More information will be arriving about this soon.

Finally, I will be creating a links section soon, but some of you were asking about Mr. Carey's blog as well. It can be reached at:

Have a great night!

Mr. Skinner

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Making Connections


This morning, we started the day by reading a poem about friendship, and discussed how readers can enjoy and further understand what they are reading by making connections.

We focused on making personal or text to self connections, where the reader connects ideas, events and themes in the story to their own personal experiences. After making personal connections to the poem on sticky notes, the students worked in groups to read a story about believing in your friends called "The Yesterday Stone". Next, they picked out important events and themes in the story and started to make personal connections to these events and themes. We will continue to work on this task tomorrow.

In Math, we finished our work on place value (if the students did not complete the second page, it is for homework). Then, we started to work on writing numbers out in words, with a focus on the numbers 1-20 and counting by tens from there (30, 40, 50, 60 etc.) We will continue to work on this skill tomorrow as well.

This afternoon, we began our Science unit on Structures. We discussed how a structure can be many things, both man-made and found in nature. We came to the conclusion that a structure can be anything that can support a load.

Next, we made plans to build a structure with groups of four students. The students made plans today, with the goal of building their structures on Thursday. They are welcome to bring materials from home. Don't worry if you don't have some of the materials they are searching for, they can always adapt their plans tomorrow.

Finally, the student information sheets went home today. If you could please review them, make any necessary changes, and return them, signed by both parents, by Friday, it would be much appreciated.

While I have met many of you briefly at the school, I look forward to seeing you at Wednesday's BBQ, if you are able to attend.

Sorry for being a little later than usual tonight. I had meetings before and after school and I am currently having my school computer updated, so I had to write this post at home, after I put my daughter to bed.

In case you are unable to meet me tomorrow night, and you want to know a little bit more about me, here is a profile that was written about me in the Ottawa Citizen, when I was fortunate enough to win a teaching award in 2006. I am very proud of the article, but it's intended audience is parents. If you are going to share it with your children, I suggest skipping the first few paragraphs.   

Have a great evening.

Mr. Skinner

Monday, 14 September 2015

Place Value and Recounts


This morning, we worked on place value to the hundreds place. We played a great warm-up game at the following website:

We created our Learning goal and success criteria for completing this task. Next, we discussed strategies for determining and displaying place value and what the numbers represent. I gave the students a double-sided sheet for practice and they need to complete at least the first side.

In Language, we began to write recounts. Each student wrote in their Journal about what they did on the weekend, then I created a paragraph about my weekend, showing them the parts of a paragraph needed for a detailed recount. After I shared my exemplar, we worked together to create our learning goal and success criteria. We will continue to work on this task tomorrow.

In the afternoon, we had outdoor gym on the play structure, we did some Improv Drama games and we discussed the important role grandparents play in a family during Religion.

Have a great night.

Mr. Skinner

Friday, 11 September 2015

A Successful Fire Drill


Today we had our first fire drill and the students did a great job practising this important activity.

This morning we continued to work on our Math Skills Inventory sheets and some students started a similar task in Language as well. They had to correct sentences to follow Grammar rules, list rhyming words, differentiate between consonants and vowels, and other important skills. Anyone who didn't start this task today will work on it next week.

We also continued to work on our self-portraits, name stories and time capsules. If any of these tasks are not yet completed, they should be finished over the weekend. The students made good use of the class time given, so hopefully they won't have too much work left to do for these tasks.

We worked on our "All About Me' Robot writing task today as well. The students listed some more information about themselves, within the sections of the robot, and they will finish this task on Monday

In the Gym, we played some exciting games of Bear Tag to warm up. Then the students worked well together in teams of three, during an energetic game of "Snap, Crackle, Pop."

Next, in Religion, we discussed our dreams and the dreams that God has for the people of the world.

Finally, we started using my camera to take photos of each other, for a presentation we are planning to share next week, when parents will be visiting our classroom. Hopefully we can get it finished in time!

I showed the students how to use the zoom and the focus on my camera and they did a great job of taking portrait shots of members of the class.

Have a wonderful weekend with your families.

Mr. Skinner

Thursday, 10 September 2015

Everyone is invited to the picnic!


I continue to get some great feedback about the blog. Thanks so much! I'm glad you're finding it useful.

The blog is my primary method of communication, but I do also have a Twitter account you can follow.


I haven't posted anything on it yet this year, but I will be using it in the near future, if you are interested in another avenue of seeing some of what we are doing in the classroom.

This morning, many excited students were invited to the picnic. Some brought cookies and eggs, while others brought monsters and lava! It would be a pretty interesting picnic and it was wonderful to see how proud they were to crack the code.

The students worked very hard on a math skills assessment today, recalling some of the important skills they learned last year, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and patterning.

I'm going to be taking a look at them tonight and we will discuss any skills we need to review, as a group tomorrow.

Next, we read a text about a student excited to start Grade 3. I asked the students how they preferred to read and as a group they selected to read silently on their own. After reading, they answered multiple choice questions about the text.

Some students also volunteered to share the story of their name. I am still waiting on a couple of those stories. If all of the students can return their completed story Friday, that would be great.

When we finished sharing the name stories, the students continued to work on their self-portraits and their time capsules.

Finally, the students were able to make their first visit to the Learning Commons, meet the new librarian and read some great books.

There is no homework tonight, so it's a great opportunity to do some reading, on your own or with a family member.

Have a great evening!

Mr. Skinner

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Just Finished Reading About the Children's Names

Hello again,

I just finished reading about how the decisions were made about the children's names and it reminded me of how my wife and I decided upon our daughter's name. Stella Ruby Skinner was named after two of our grandmother's. I enjoyed reading the stories behind your family name decisions too!

It was great to meet several of you before the first day of school, on the yard, and after school, as I was leaving the building. Thanks so much for making me feel so welcome. It was wonderful to get some kind, welcoming notes in the agenda today as well.

I am really enjoying working with the class so far and I hope the kids are enjoying the experience as much as I am.

A final reminder to the students, remember to think of an item you would like to bring to a picnic. I am bringing cupcakes, and my daughter Stella will bring strawberries. (No, you don't have to actually bring it, you just need to try and crack the code!)

Good night.

Mr. Skinner

Time Capsules


Thanks so much to everyone that signed up for e-mail updates from the blog. I hope your kids enjoyed their first day!

This morning, we finished our Math Inquiry problem and shared our strategies and solutions.

The question was:

Miro had 98 stickers on Day 1 and 93 stickers on Day 2. If this pattern continues, on what day will he have exactly 63 stickers.

Next, we went to the gym and went over the rules for safe play in the gym and played some cooperative games.

During second block, we read a story about a growing sunflower and made predictions about how we will change and grow during the year.

The students started to work on a time capsule activity, where they talked about their feelings about going into Grade 3, predictions about how much they will grow, and a letter to their future selves. We will be opening the time capsules on the last day of the school year, so the students can reflect on their year.

Finally, we had an assembly, where the students met Mrs. Campbell.

Everyone who wants to place an order for the BBQ next week needs to send their form and their cheque into the school on Thursday. Thanks so much.

Have a wonderful evening.

Mr. Skinner

Tuesday, 8 September 2015

A Great First Day!


It has been a wonderful first day for me at St. Anne's today. The students have been very friendly and helpful.

The students will be bringing their agendas home tonight, with the School newsletter, the order form for next week's BBQ and the Lunch Lady order form inside.

A small correction in the agenda, the school Twitter handle should be: @OCSB_StAnne.

Tonight, for homework, the students have been asked to discuss with their parents how their names were chosen. The students can write out a good copy of the story on the provided paper, or they can take notes for a rough copy and write our the good copy at school. It is their choice.

The first day flew by. I told the students a little bit about myself and my routines and rules. Then the students chose five questions to ask a partner, and presented the two most interesting things they learned about their partner to the class.

Next, the students worked on self-portraits, which will accompany the story of how they were given their names, in a book we are creating.

Finally, we worked on some Inquiry Math questions. We worked in pairs to solve questions involving number sense and patterning.

It was a great start to the year!

Have a good night.

Mr. Skinner

Monday, 7 September 2015



Welcome back to St. Anne's! Or, if you're new here, like me, welcome to St. Anne's!

I hope you're ready for an amazing year, full of fun and excitement!

It is my pleasure to be teaching your child this year. I look forward to working closely with you and getting to know your child.

This will be my first year at the school, but I have been teaching for 12 years - three years at St. Michael's in Fitzroy Harbour, followed by nine years at Holy Redeemer in Kanata. 

Each evening, students should read, study their math facts, and review new concepts at a quiet study area. The students should spend approximately 20 to 30 minutes working on these homework tasks each night.

Students will be asked to write assigned tasks in their agenda before the end of each day and I will also post assigned homework tasks on this site.

Although most school supplies will be given to your child, some items that would be beneficial throughout the year include:

  • coloured pencils 
  • glue stick
  • scissors
  • highlighter
  • two tissue boxes
  • indoor shoes (non-marking soles)
 Your child has brought home a new agenda. We will use the agenda as one method of communication as the need arises. Please ask to see your child’s agenda every night and initial it. Your signature in the agenda assures us that there is daily communication between home and school. 

Please sign up for updates from this blog and they will be e-mailed to you, each day when I post something new.

Thank you in advance for your support and cooperation. 

Your Partner in Education,

Mr. Skinner