At long last, I have the results of our snack election. On Friday, I will be bringing in Marshmallows. The boys from the victorious group described a complex Marshmallow reindeer treat that they would like to try. We decided that I would bring in marshmallows for the class on Friday, then we would try to create the reindeer treats together in class, when we are closer to Christmas.
In Math, we have been working on patterning, looking at changing attributes and repeating patterns. The students should have the three double sided sheets, that were handed out yesterday, completed. If they are not done, they are to be finished for homework.
In Language, we are continuing to work on our Monster description. We will finish our rough draft in class tomorrow. We also began to explore Raz Kids today. The students should continue to work on their reading, using this wonderful online resource.
If you are asked to log in, I am cskinner2. Select your student name and enter the student password (initials). This is a great resource to use for daily reading.
In Religion, we decorated our kite, which symbolizes how our dreams will soar throughout the year.
In Science, we finished our work with the interactive structure lessons on the SmartBoard.
Finally, a reminder that our picture day is Friday, for students Grades 3 to 6. The younger students (K-2) will have their photos on Thursday.
Have a good night.
Mr. Skinner