Friday, 2 October 2015

Bench Ball and Bitstrips


This morning, we played a great game of bench ball in the morning. The students worked well together to achieve their goal of having their bench filled with players.

They also completed their construction paper mosaics, representing communities they are involved in. They turned out really well. I will post some pictures on my Twitter account later in the day.

In Math, we finished our work on addition and regrouping. I will be marking the work that was handed into me over the weekend. Then the students worked on the chromebooks, completing activities on dreambox, or creating the comic strips for their recounts on Bitstrips.

Finally, in Language, we continued to read about Terry Fox and to work on making connections, with the stories the students selected to read on Thursday. Next, I introduced our schedule for Word Wall Words. Each week, starting on Monday, I will be posting a new set of word wall words, that we will use in our writing activities. Look on the blog, at the start of each week, for the new set of words.

Don't forget to bring in your cans for the Food Drive!

Have a great weekend.

Mr. Skinner