Thursday, 15 October 2015

A Job Well Done


This morning, we completed our first Math evaluation task and the students worked very hard to complete ten multiple choice questions and two short answer questions. I will have them marked and returned to the students on Monday morning. Our next unit will explore patterning.

After the test, we continued to work on our Monster drawings and descriptions, using all five of our senses to describe the creature in descriptive paragraphs.

Next, we finished editing our recount with our partners and submitted all of the bitstrips for class viewing.

This afternoon, we wrapped our class discussion on Thanksgiving in Religion, and continued to explore strength and stability in Science, through activities on the SmartBoard and class discussion.

There is no new homework tonight, but students are asked to make sure their recounts and bitstrips are ready for final review this weekend.

Have a good evening.

Mr. Skinner