Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Thanksgiving Prayers


This morning we continued to work on rounding to the nearest ten and rounding to the nearest hundred. The students should have completed the two double-sided activity sheets on these topics. If they are not finished, they should be completed for homework.

In Religion, we wrote Thanksgiving prayers and made art inspired by our written work. We are completing this task at school and the students will be bringing their work home before the weekend. Several of the students said they were excited to share their prayers at their family Thanksgiving dinners.

In Language, I showed the students how to use Google Read and Write to read portions of a text, and we continued to work on our recounts and bitstrips, which are due at the end of the day tomorrow.

Finally, in the gym, we worked on our throwing and catching skills and played a spirited game of Bench Ball.

Tomorrow is the final day for the food drive, so be sure to bring in your cans if you can.

Sorry that this is a little bit late. I had planned on posting it right after school, but my daughter lost her first tooth and had to tell me all about this very important news! Thanks for your understanding.

Have a great night

Mr. Skinner