Thursday 28 January 2016

Sidney, the Grade 3 Mouse


This week, I have been reading "Sidney, the Grade 3 Mouse" to the students and they have really enjoyed the story. I am very pleased with the insightful responses they have given to the questions I have asked and the meaningful personal connections they have made to the story. They wanted me to finish the story today, but I wanted to leave them in suspense and read the thrilling conclusion tomorrow.

Not only am I looking forward to reading the rest of the story, but I am also eagerly anticipating our group discussions on this week's assigned narrative readings. All students should make sure they have read their text, so they can share their thinking and examples with their reading groups tomorrow.

We have concluded the initial performances of our healthy eating commercials and the audience member and I have given constructive feedback to the groups. Now, they are making changes to their scripts and getting ready to record their performances on iMovie.

In Math, we have been exploring right angles, equilateral shapes, quadrilaterals and congruent shapes. Our big point of discussion today was, "Why can all squares be classified as rectangles, but not all rectangles can be classified as squares." It was a wonderful discussion that led to greater understanding. If the angles activity sheet has not yet been completed, it should be brought home to be finished for homework.

Finally, in Science, we talked about how the concepts of our two units - structures and forces - connect together in the real world and discussed the jobs that require people to know about these concepts and how the skills and knowledge they have gained could be put to good use.

Two information forms are coming home today as well. One from the school about the concussion protocol program and one from me about the upcoming "Swim to Survive" sessions, which will start next Friday, for our class. Please sign and return these forms. Thanks so much.

Have a great night.

Mr. Skinner