Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Three Days in One Post


Sorry that I missed posting yesterday. This week is very busy with various workshops I am attending and my schedule has been thrown off.

I have attended workshops on EQAO and leadership, and I will be presenting at a Learning Connections technology workshop tomorrow.

In Science, we have finished our plans for our final structures and we have started the construction process. The plan is to work on them tomorrow and finish building them on Friday. Then we will share our learning and discuss the key concepts from the unit, to show our understanding.

In Math, the students should be finishing their work on ordering and assigning units (cm, m, km) and completing p. 119-120 for homework. Tomorrow, the students will begin to explore perimeter, working on measuring the outside of various shapes and objects.

In Language, the students are finishing up their work for digital citizenship and the sentences, or story, for spelling. Both tasks should be finished for Friday, when I am back in the classroom.

Next, the students will be writing another persuasive paragraph about whether they prefer walking to school, or getting a drive. The students are reminded to include an introduction, three points with explanations and a conclusion.

Upon finishing this writing task, the students will read "The Inline Skating Lesson" and answer multiple choice and short answer questions, where they will use examples and explain their thinking, in their orange language duotangs.

I look forward to being back for the full day on Friday. Have a great night.

Mr. Skinner