Monday, 9 November 2015

Peer Editing and Discussing Persuasive Texts


This morning we worked with partners to edit our persuasive texts about summer and winter. Each group read the two pieces they had written, came to a consensus regarding the level of the text, and discussed suggestions for improvement.

Next, we read more "Neighbourhood Niggles", a series of texts about issues that arise in a neighbourhood. As a group, we discussed which sides of the various arguments we agreed with and what made the texts effective when it came to persuading someone.

In Math, the students worked on the white boards to create and answer patterning questions with a partner, and continued to hone their math skills on Dreambox, while I discussed strategies for solving patterning questions with various students, to help them prepare for our next evaluation task, which will take place on Thursday.

Daily reading and preparing for Thursday's Patterning Math test should be the focus for homework activities this week.

Finally, in Science, we continued to work on our paper skyscrapers. The students are reminded to bring in cardboard, to help provide extra stability to their structure.

There will be students bringing poppies to the classroom on Tuesday and Wednesday. The students are invited to bring money to make a donation.

Have a great evening.

Mr. Skinner