This morning we continued to work on developing our understanding of patterns. We answered a variety of questions on the
Then, in pairs, we solved the following problems in our Math Enquiry books:
Mr. Skinner is buying bags of marshmallows at the Super Store. For every 3 bags he buys, he gets 1 for free. How many bags will he need to buy to get 4 free bags?
Calya walked her dog every third day in October. She started this job on October 5th. On which days of the month did she walk her dog? How many total days did she walk her dog?
In Language, we discussed how we could improve Level 3 writing to Level 4 writing, using the examples we looked at yesterday, that compared winter and summer. Then we discussed how we could use Bump It Up Walls to improve the quality of our writing. Next, we examined the multiple choice questions for the "Underwater Apartment" reading selection that the students read last week. Tomorrow, we will discuss the short answer questions they completed for this selection.
In the afternoon, we had outdoor gym, where the students had a choice to play running games or work on their gross motor skills on the play structure.
Finally, we went to the learning commons to read and to exchange our books.
The proofs for the school photos will be coming home today with the students. The order forms need to be returned by November 9, 2015.
Have a good night.
Mr. Skinner